Master French Alphabet and Accents: Pronunciation Course
Master the French alphabet and accents with my pronunciation course. Perfect for beginners aiming to build clear and accurate French pronunciation!
Introduction to French Alphabet
Pronouncing Vowels
FREE PREVIEWPronouncing Consonants
Introduction to French Accents
Accent Aigu (Acute Accent)
Accent Grave (Grave Accent)
Accent Circonflexe (Circumflex Accent)
Tréma (Diaeresis)
Cédille (Cedille)
Let's warm up
Spelling challenge
Writing Challenge
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Let me guide you through perfect French pronunciation.
“The course offers the perfect amount of exercises to practice pronunciation. His lessons are clear and fun.”
“Umut's French accent is beautiful. He teaches you how to pronounce letters clearly. Absolutely recommended!”
“It's a great course to start your French—modern and engaging!”