Course curriculum

    1. Introduction to French Alphabet

    2. Pronouncing Vowels

    3. Pronouncing Consonants

    1. Introduction to French Accents

    2. Accent Aigu (Acute Accent)

    3. Accent Grave (Grave Accent)

    4. Accent Circonflexe (Circumflex Accent)

    5. Tréma (Diaeresis)

    6. Cédille (Cedille)

    1. Let's warm up

    2. Spelling challenge

    3. Writing Challenge

    1. Next steps

    2. Post Course Survey

About this course

  • $20.00
  • 16 lessons

Become a confident French speaker, one letter at a time!

Bonjour! I'm Umut.

Let me guide you through perfect French pronunciation.

Let’s be real: French is difficult to pronounce, but with clear approach and guidance, you can do it. I’ve helped hundreds of students develop clear French pronunciation with my approach. I’m excited to start your journey with this course about the alphabet and accents.
Online French Teacher

What My Students Say About the Course

“The course offers the perfect amount of exercises to practice pronunciation. His lessons are clear and fun.”


“Umut's French accent is beautiful. He teaches you how to pronounce letters clearly. Absolutely recommended!”


“It's a great course to start your French—modern and engaging!”


Build Strong, Clear French Pronunciation!