Want to learn French fast?

In only 6 weeks, I will help you build a strong foundation in French while having fun!

Course curriculum

We will cover all the basic French words and phrases, including pronunciation and speaking exercises!

    1. Welcome

    2. Getting to Know You: Student Profile Survey

    3. Bonjour! (Greetings)

    4. Useful Expressions

    5. Alphabet & Spell your name

    6. French accents

    7. French is easy! (Definite articles)

    8. Choose the right article

    9. Tip to sound more French (Liaison rule)

    10. I, you, he, she, etc. (Subject pronouns)

    11. Goodbyes

    12. Greetings and goodbyes

    13. Present yourself

    14. Speaking Activity (Alphabet)

    15. Post Section Survey

    1. Learning objectives

    2. Ça va? (How are you? - Informal)

    3. Comment allez vous? (How are you? - Formal)

    4. What do you do for a living?

    5. Je suis (I am)

    6. Quiz (The verb "être")

    7. Silent letters (Pronunciation lesson)

    8. I can count in French from 0 to 69

    9. I can count in French from 70 to 100

    10. Speaking activity (Numbers)

    11. Countries and nationalities

    12. Practice makes perfect (Prepositions)

    13. Quiz (Prepositions of place)

    14. Quelle est ta nationalité? (What is your nationality?)

    15. Post Section Survey

    1. Learning objectives

    2. Les objets (Objects)

    3. Un, une, des (The indefinite articles)

    4. Qu'est-ce que c'est? (What is this?)

    5. Quiz (Indefinite articles)

    6. Do you have a pet?

    7. The verb avoir (to have)

    8. Quiz (The verb "avoir")

    9. Qui est-ce? (Who is this? )

    10. Useful French Adjectives

    11. Word stress (Pronunciation lesson)

    12. Forming and answering questions

    13. Ne __ pas (Negation)

    14. Speaking activity (Asking and answering questions)

    15. Intonation rule (Pronunciation lesson)

    16. Describe your personality

    17. Post Section Survey

    1. Learning objectives

    2. C'est ma famille (This is my family)

    3. Family members

    4. Practice makes perfect (My in French)

    5. Quiz (Family members)

    6. Mon, ma, mes (Possessive adjectives)

    7. Quiz (Possessive adjectives)

    8. Marital status

    9. Les jours de la semaine (The days of the week)

    10. What day is it?

    11. Recognize nasal vowels

    12. The months of the year

    13. Quiz (days and months)

    14. What day is today?

    15. Talk about family

    16. Speaking activity (Family)

    17. Post Section Survey

    1. Learning objectives

    2. Les boissons (Drinks)

    3. Limonade vs citronnade

    4. Au café (At the coffee shop)

    5. 2 ways to order a drink in French

    6. Du, de la , de l' (The partitive articles)

    7. Quiz (Du, de la, des, de l')

    8. The vowel e (Pronunciation tip)

    9. Les aliments (Foods)

    10. Crème glacée vs glace

    11. Do you prefer poutine or French fries?

    12. Combien ça coûte? (How much does it cost?)

    13. Expressing likes and dislikes

    14. Quiz (Aimer)

    15. What do you like?

    16. Speaking activity (Dialogue)

    17. Post Section Survey

    1. Learning objectives

    2. Les lieux (Places in the city)

    3. Un dépanneur (Convenience store in Quebec)

    4. Dans mon quartier (In my neighbourhood)

    5. Describe places with adjectives

    6. Quiz (adjectives)

    7. The verb “aller” (to go)

    8. More French verbs

    9. Practice (Examples)

    10. I can conjugate a verb in French

    11. Quiz (Verbs)

    12. I can talk about my activities

    13. Speaking activity (Telling where you are going and talking about likes)

    14. Congratulations! You've completed the course!

    15. Post Course Survey

About this course

  • $49.00
  • 96 lessons
  • 3 hours of video content

Let me help you build a strong foundation in French

Bonjour! I'm Umut.

I'll guide you step by step

Thousands of people have learned French with me over the last 7 years through my online classes. Learning a new language is exciting! It shouldn't be about boring grammar rules but about having fun speaking. I'm so excited for you to take this first step in learning French with me and have fun!
Online French Teacher

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“Had a really good time with this course. Nice slow pace and very good for setting a good foundation in your path to fluency!" Super cours, merci Umut!”


“Umut is amazing! His focus on pronunciation and repetition made a huge difference in my ability to speak and understand French.”


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